Tuesday, August 12, 2008

3 Years and counting...

Three years ago today I was getting ready to be sealed to my wonderful husband Jesse. It seems like it has been a life time that we have been married yet it has only been 3 years. Its funny that 4 years ago we never knew the other existed. Life has been wonderful and an adventure being next to this man. We have lived in Hawaii every moment of our marriage minus the honeymoon, so sometimes I feel like we are not really in real life just a dream state. Occasionally people will ask one of us if it's hard because we are not the same color but we really don't realize it until someone mentions it or when we are at the beach and I don't have to wear sunscreen. hahaha
I guess those are just issues that other couples have to deal with on the mainland and we don't deal with here because everyone is a inter mixed couple. Oh how I love the word intercultural marriage. Aren't we all INTERCULTURAL? I mean No one grows up in the same home (at least I hope not) therefore our cultures are different. Doesn't marriage have difficulties for everyone? Not just the people that are not the same. Put a girl and a boy in the same house 24/7 and there are going to be issues right? That's a whole other post...
To get back to the original story I love Jesse and He is the best man I could ever ask for in a Husband, Father and Friend. Sadly, due to housing training all week and all day long we will not be doing anything for our anniversary until next week. I am so excited to see what the rest of our life will be like together FOREVER!!!


Tiffany said...

You guys are so cute! Congrats!

Its me said...

happy anniversary to both of you...

And Oh yeah I agree I also so love the word interculutural marriage...

miss you all..see you in two weeks

Ashley said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, you guys!

i'm glad your married each other.

Happy 3 years!

flip flop mama said...

Happy Anniversary! He picked the best wife ever!

stef j. said...


just kidding, i knew.

happy anniversary!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I meant "Happy Anniversary" but apparently I can't type and call someone at the same time. so let me try again... Happy Anniversary!!

.From Her. said...

Fist off, Stef is HILLARIOUS. pah ha ha That was funny.

Second, I am SO glad you two found eachother. (insert sigh of relief)

We love you both so so very much!

Shellybythesea said...

I knew it was today! Happy Anniversary to you both.

The Tesimales said...

Haha I loved this! how very sweet. Three years. wow. accomplishment. hope to see y'all soon.

Anna K. said...

Yay! Congrats! You guys are so perfect for each other!

Mike and Bianca said...

Congrats! You guys are awesome! Inter-racial couples are the best! haha...jk. They do make darn cute babies though!

Dan Kettle said...

Man Im so stoked for you guys. You two are such a good match and both rad good people. Jesse thanks for the back up on the utah surf thing ha ha Dude i would love to come stay with you guys