Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Day

While this one was sleeping
We went out in the front yard to make snow
people with the neighbors.
Roberta wore a lovely hat with chocolate bunnies
for eyes & mouth, a carrot for a nose and
dishwasher soaps for buttons.

Oliver had pine cones for eyes, a carrot for a nose,
rocks for teeth (due to the pipe he smokes)
and big rocks for buttons
It is so fun having a front & back yard that the
kids can play in!!!
We still need to invest in proper gloves.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

4 teeth

This little sunshine has 4 teeth!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Price Ladies

Last Sunday Elizabeth sported her
fashionable green jacket ($5) and
her polka dotted brown dress ($10)
Millie rocked a previously owned (by her sister)
stripped dress
And I, mommy, got puked on right as
we reached the car and were already making it
to church with 1 minute to spare.
So I wore the puke arm shirt proudly.
The Ladies
Who occasionally bathe. Ha. I have been better about
bathing Millie. She bathes like 2 times a week now!
I thought it bad taste to put a photo of myself bathing.
I promise I bathe too!