Last night Elizabeth officially rolled both ways. I have no footage of it but I promise it happened. She has been working on it for a few weeks now and finally got it down.
These are just a few pictures of her sitting. Maybe she thought keeping her arms straight would help her balance!!!
She is such a good sitter now. My little girl is growing so fast
But she still falls. . .
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Armpit of California
Welcome to Bakersfield!!! Or what Jesse likes to call it "the armpit of California" The last few days of our vacation we went to my sister Deborah's home to hang out and fly out of LAX. There was not much to do but have family time and family time is GREAT!!!
One of the mornings the boys went fishing and Jesse bought this hat to shield him from the sun. He took the camera but I guess this is the only picture he felt like taking. Vain or what? hahaha
They did catch some fish but since they were small they decided to return they to the water.Celia and her family came up for the weekend too. It seemed like every time she held Elizabeth she fell asleep. Celia had the magic touch. Can I bring you home with me?
We played Rock Band tons. If you don't know what it is look it up. Haha It is kind of like Guitar Hero except there are 2 guitars, drums and a microphone. Millesha is a killer drummer and the only one who could get it.
The long Hike
When we were in California Jesse's step mom Karen had us all go for a family walk. Karen is known for family walks after dinner so if you are going to eat there make sure you bring some sneakers.
We walked around parts of lake Hodges and some of the trail was not stroller appropriate.
Jamie and I posing for photographer Jesse
Jamie trying to keep up with Karen
The road getting a bit narrow
Rachel and Grandma Karen taking in the view
I think Jamie got the best work out pushing that stroller practically the whole time
Spencer is tired hahaha
The last little bit. See this is the path we had to deal with. It was funny that everyone was giving Karen a hard time for picking this trail but it was all out of Love
Spencer shaking his butt for the camera.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Well we are back now!!! It was a Long trip but it was a good trip. I decided that one month is just way too long for us to be away from home with a little one. I wish I could say that we were able to see everyone that we wanted but we didn't. But to the people we did get to see, " you rock "
On the plane ride back Elizabeth decided to be one of those crazy children. She started out the ride with throwing up on my shirt leaving it unwearable. Then she screamed for a few hours until mommy calmly gave her drugs so the rest was a pleasant ride. hahaha I am so excited to walk around again and not have to drive everywhere putting Elizabeth in a car seat like you have to in Cali. Oh I missed this place... but at the same time I am going to miss all the mainland family. It saddens me that the family will not see Elizabeth crawl or start to walk. Some day we will live close to eachother but for now there is always pictures and video. I love all you folks so much!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
5 years ago today

These questions got me thinking. The spirit inside me knew that there was some truth to these questions. So that night I went home and prayed to Heavenly Father. I will never forget this night. HE told me that he knew that I knew this church was true, but of course I needed to know for sure so I said to Him "God if I open this book (the book of Mormon which I had never read on my own thus far. Actually I had thrown three of them away) and if it is true then send me a clear sign. I kid you not I just flipped open the book with my eyes closed and pointed my finger. The passage it landed on was Alma 32:16 "Therefore, blessed are they who humble themselves without being compelled to be humble: or rather in other words, blessed is he that believeth in the word of God, and is baptized without stubborness of heart, yea, without being brought to know the word, or even compelled to know, before they will believe." There was no arguing with that scripture so I decided in that moment to be baptized. I came to the understanding in that moment that it was not my family that would be speaking up for me in the END but it was I who had to answer for all my choices. There were people that were not very happy with my decision but it had to be done. One of the hardest moments was when I told my sister and there was silence on the phone. We had NEVER had silence.... I wept in that moment but there is no denying the truth of the gospel.

I love this gospel so dearly and I am so grateful that the church in which Jesus Christ established in the days of old is now restored in our day. It is because of this gospel that I am able to be sealed to my husband for time and all eternity and be sealed to my little Elizabeth. I know where I am going in life as well as my purpose and where I have been before this life. I know that there are apostles and prophets on the earth today and I know that Joesph Smith was a prophet and Jesus Christ is our savior and the chief corner stone of this church. I am so blessed by everything I have learned and been given from Heavenly Father. I can go anywhere in the world and be taught the same principles and teachings on Sunday. I can partake of the sacrament every week and renew my baptism covenants. I not only have the Bible but I also have the Book of Mormon (another testament of Jesus Christ) , Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price and Prophets that will help me hear all that God has to reveal. I challenge you to do as it says in James 1:5 " If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God..." and find the truth for yourself. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Story time
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Price Family
It's once in a while that all the kids get together in the Price Family so we are grateful when it does happen.
From the left, Rachel, Jamie, Spencer, Michelle, Jesse, me, Elizabeth, Caden, Tyler, Emily and Tanner. Emily and Jamie are Jesse's sisters. We had dinner together this night. Good times..
All the kids
Grandma Michelle... Elizabeth loves you and loved having you watch her so her parents could go out to see a movie!!
Caden sure loves his cousin. Makes me sad that he won't see her grow up :(
Jamie with her only niece, Lizard. So darling...
A tourist completely made out of Lego
Spencer and Rachel going up the Sky Cruiser. Rachel was a bit worried about how things were going to turn out.
It was fun after all Rachel, No worries...
Look, a lion entirely made out of Lego
Why go to Vegas when you can see it here?
San Francisco we meet at last...
and yes this is made out of _ _ _ _ _ too!!!
At the end we found the water area.
Did they know this was going to happen?
She sure didn't...
Yeah being wet is awesome...
Pirates behind us are moving... and still made out of Lego
If you haven't come here I think you should and if you don't get to go on some rides it's ok come again next week!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Byob and a side to share
It was fun hanging out with our friends that we miss so dearly. Ian and Katie were there (getting married June 20) Chris, Erin and baby Mason Carr, Jeff Johnson, Andy Pierce and Russ, Darci and the girls.
Eliot getting ready to flip Conrad
Flipping Conrad...
Jesse making funny faces
Andrew and Stephanie. Aren't they so cute?
Butt crack
Savannah, the owner of the butt crack. She is the cutest little girl.
We love all these people so dearly and wish they could come back to Hawaii with us. One day we will live next to each other. Until then...
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