Saturday, April 18, 2009

Turtle Bay Friday

The play group mommies went to Turtle Bay on friday.
It was a perfect beach day.
Elizabeth did her people watching then
later went in the water only after using Lisa's
baby water tubes.
Shanae was there
Krew modeled a lovely hat ha
J was there

Jackie was there with her 2 little
babies held hostage in her belly
for 4 more weeks.
One of the little ones dumped the snacks on
the sand so in true Elizabeth fashion she sat
there and ate most of them!
I was there
Later that night Elizabeth was shivering and
feverish. About the 4th time waking up in the
night she was burning hot and we realized
her back teeth were finally coming in.
So we are very tired and cranky today.
But I am so happy for her teeth to come in.
She loves to eat and her life is going to get so
much better once those big boys come in.
Despite our lack of sleep friday night. It was a wonderful
day. This semester I will be able to go to more play group days
and I can't wait!


Unknown said...

sounded like so much fun! I will make it one of these days!..

Shanae said...

Yay for Aloha Friday beaches days, and Yay for nice weather :) NICE GRADES BY THE WAY, GOOD JOB!!

flip flop mama said...

Yay for fun days!