Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This week we have been going to the beach everyday. It has been fun. As you can see when we first got there Elizabeth was not very excited. But after three days of the beach she has warmed up to the water.
Today she went in the water and let us hold her away from us and even smiled :)
See what happens when you give a kid a camera.
HI !!!
Later this week we will get some water pictures and let you see...


Shanae said...

beach days are awesome, I need your number, beach day tomorrow, castles 9:30 that is thursday june 19th

stef j. said...

she is so adorable!

Hanna said...

Don't let Cody read this...haha...ever since we went to Hawaii he has wanted to move there, be there, and never leave. He misses it very much...especially the beach and the friends.

Anonymous said...

I love her Beach bum.