Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Time

So this year when we were pulling out the tree and decorations we realized, we don't really have any decorations at all. This was sad news to us so we went around our little town and tried to find something to help out our situation. Since our little town of Laie only has an Ace Hardware and a grocery store our options were limited. Walmart is over an hour away and there is no such thing as Target here. So wandering around Foodland I came up with the superb idea to wrap our wall with wrapping paper. I know I am a genius. We got red paper and tree paper and taped it to the wall. Jesse was really serious about it because the whole time he was yelling "Make sure there are no air bubbles" as we were taping it up. After a while it got really annoying but hey it's up and it doesn't look half bad!


Natalie. said...

Great idea!!!!! ARE there any air bubbles? If so you are a failure of a Christmas Elf.

tyler said...

Merry Christmas Jesse and Dori, Merry Christmas...Merry Christmas...

Heather said...

I totally know how it is to not have any ornaments! Matt and I didn't have any last year and we ended up making oragami cranes for all of our ornaments. (P.S. this is Heather Norton). It's good to see what you guys are up to!! Miss ya!

flip flop mama said...

Very festive! I can bring you our crayon ornaments that I made the second year we were married. Those things are awesome :) Only 8 more days!!!