Friday, July 16, 2010

Children's Museum

The other day the fam bam and I went to the Children's Museum.
It was fun for Elizabeth.
Naturally she was freaked out from the step that
had fish under a plastic layer
The toddler section was rather boring
Jesse even found something fun to do
There was boat steering
Then she went to the vet to release the dogs
Millie was so uninterested

She pushed the boy behind the cash register because
she wanted to buy her own food.
Washed some dishes
Someone call a medic
After the museum we walked around the lake

It was a warm sunny day!!!
And look, Millie is old enough to sit on the bottom now!


S.N.D said...

I love your double stroller.And nice lake.We miss you

flip flop mama said...

Looks like a fun day!

Unknown said...

It looks like you guys live in a great place. Have fun.

Rach said...

Love kids museums, you look great by the way. So fun