Wednesday, August 12, 2009

4 years ago today. . .

These people watched as
These 2 love birds married for eternity
we talked of our future
we kissed
I showed him a preview
This guys heart was full as his last
daughter found true love
We became eternally connected
They had no idea of what high school was like
These gals only dreamed of motherhood
These 2 had 2 weeks until their magical day
Caden & Rachel were still babies

we drank awesome beverages
And this guy couldn't wait to make
that earlier preview a reality!
Our 4 years of marriage has been AWESOME!
I can't wait to see what the rest of
will bring us! ! !


.Ang. said...

Happy Anniversary!

flip flop mama said...

Congrats you two lovebirds!

1snappyfamily said...

Soooo cute! You're hilarious! I was bummed that I wasn't in the above picture...then I remembered that I was in a wheelchair in your wedding, and had probably already left!!! ;-) times flies! Congrats!

Jana and Rob said...

Happy Anniversary! Cute pictures.

Cruise to the Max said...

ha! I love your pictures. YOu are so beautiful...sigh...I love that Jesse is grabbing your bootie in the last shot, and I love the shot of you and your dad. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Happy Aniversary. You guys are so cool.

Sarah Frantz said...

hahahaha! that was a hilarious anniversary post. love it! Congratulations on all the happiness and lovey stuff.

liko said...

hahaha!! you make me laugh, doretha, with your honesty! happy anniversary!!
and i hope you don't mind if i blog stalk you!

Trevor and Lauren said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY you crazy lovers!

Anonymous said...

This is the cutest post ever! Congrats!

Lindsay Rondo said...

happy anniversary!!! hah... i love the last picture...

Lindsay De McBride said...

we love you guys so much. i am so glad that i know you. my life is blessed because you are in it. miss you.

Dan Kettle said...

Congrats on your anniversary. YOu guys are such two rad people and have the cutest girl. Im so glad i met you guys in hawaii. Maybe this will give me some inspiration to get off the single bus ha Jesse you need to puchase the present by thomas campbell. Great flick