Wednesday, January 9, 2008

days go by

Yesterday we went to the beach for the first time and i will never do it again until she is older. yeah yeah yeah she is only three weeks old but Jesse really wanted to go. The whole time elizabeth just acted wierd. She cried while she ate and she kept throwing up it was horrible. Her throw up was this white cottage cheese chunky stuff. So we were only there for about an hour, after Jesse finished surfing it was time to go back home where she is most comfortable. What can I say we live and learn with kids. We will just wait til she is older to return. But look what we found on the beach! On another note Jesse went back to school today so Elizabeth and I have to get into a routine. Jesse will be gone a lot of the time this semester because his class schedule is crazy. On monday, wednesday, friday he is gone from nine in the morning to five at night. And on tuesday and thursday he has class from eleven to twelve then works from one to seven. So now I can get a little taste of what it is like to be
a single mom. Ha hahaha I guess this is what it is like in the real world where the husband has to work and the wife stays home. In the night he will no longer be awaken to change diapers so he can get sleep. We decided he will have her whenever he is home so he still has a relationship with her and she wont be one of those kids who screams when left with daddy. They are so cute together and he loves her so much. Awwww !!


Natalie. said...

Richie's first term as BYUH president started 2 weeks after Raleigh was born. It was out of control. He left for class at 6:50am and was in the office until between 5 and 7pm. LET ME HELP YOU WHENEVER YOU NEED!! I WISH I HAD BEEN BRAVE ENOUGH TO ASK FOR HELP. I love you Doretha! Even if you just need to pee without a baby friend on your lap! CALL ME!

Natalie. said...

Um, bring my baby back to me!!!

Molly Bea said...

She is such a doll! I so want to meet her, when are you coming over here?