Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oh Hawaii

Yep that's right. It's a CockRoach and
Yes I threw away those toothbrushes
It seems to never matter how clean your house is,
here in Hawaii they will come no matter what.
I remember when I first moved here I went
to a Dentist office and there was a huge
one on the wall. However, I don't freak
out as much as I once did.


Anonymous said...



those devil insects BETTER stay OUT of our house.

Rach said...

is it bad that I saw one once on my toothbrush, but didn't throw them out....I just sterilized them. hahahahhahaha.....sad but true.

flip flop mama said...


Kristi said...

hahah that makes me remember when I found a cockroach in my dental floss. So gross, one thing I totally don't miss about being away from is them.

Sarah said...

Oh yuck yuck yuck! It was the same in Brasil, just a fact of life. Those buggers (haha) just love tropical weather, just like humans do. Seriously, there is no way to kills those evil disgusting critters! I'm not weirded out about many bugs, but cockroaches are one of them! I've had a few head to head fights with them myself, so I've been forced to grow a thick skin about them, but still. Yuck! I feel your pain!

brooke said...

Oh, EWWWW! You DO get used to them though, don't you? I hated listening to them while I was sleeping in Uruguay. Hawaii is kind of a foreign country in a way...haha!

Natalie. said...

I found 3. . . yes THREE. . . in my toothbrush drawer the other day. All that big too. . . AHHH! I bought a plastic box to put all our brushes in inside the drawer from now on.